
Marshmallow Root [Althaea]

Marshmallow Root’s medicinal properties come from its mucilage, or sap-like substance, which can form a protective layer on the skin and lining of the digestive tract.

Beginning around the 9th century BCE, the Greeks used Marshmallow to heal wounds and soothe sore throats. A balm made from the plant’s sap was often applied to toothaches and bee stings.

It was mentioned in Homer’s “Iliad” as a slippery herb and was used to coughs, sore throats, and congestion. The ancient Egyptians used Mashmallow root to make candied delicacies for their gods, nobility, and Pharaohs.

They used the soft, spongy pith of the plants, boiled in honey or sugar syrup, to create a chewy candy-like substance - the pre-cursor to our modern-day Marshmallows.

Topically, Marshmallow root can relieve skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis. It is also effective in treating insect bites, wounds, dry or chapped skin, and burns.

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